In 2010, Sipora Island’s Masokut Village was all but wiped out by a 7.7
magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami which swept away
houses, crops and the Mentawai people’s livelihoods. The local school was
obliterated by the wave. The school has since reopened, but with the most
limited of resources.
With the help of SurfAid International, the local community – students,
parents and others – have pulled together at the “Paddle for Humanity”
event to raise money for the stricken school.
This year, an additional event was added, “Walk for Humanity”, which drew
in approximately 70 landlovers. Tairua School demonstrated just what a
small surfing/coastal community with a very big heart can achieve. This
year, $6,500 was donated to this non-profit organisation, making our total
contribution to SurfAid over the past three years $14,500.
Tairua School ...
Developing Global Citizens
Transition-to-School at Tairua
Over the years Tairua School has made effective gains with its
transition-to-school programme.
Starting school takes on a new and
exciting look as we endeavour to make the transition from kindy, playcentre,
pre-school and Kohanga Reo as easy as possible for both child and family.
Gone are the days where kids turn up to school, walk into an unknown
classroom and meet the teacher for the first time. Through reforms, research
and communication with parents, we have developed a transition programme
that truly nourishes effective connections for kids and families prior to
starting school.
Our Friday morning “Kick Start to School” programme offers one-to-one
meetings with parents, information packs and personalised letters from
current room 1 students to those about to arrive. Through visits to local early
childhood centres, we create a seamless transition for kids and families.
Amy Langsford, our Room 1 teacher, has a range of innovative and creative
ideas that focus on personalised learning and creating an environment that
highlights the diverse interests and skills of each child.
For more information regarding our transition-to-school programme,
contact Amy at (07) 864 8590,
Over 200 people took to the water, even in the face of the increased shark activity
in the harbour, in support of the Mentawai people and its school.
These Masokut Village students may be a half a world away, yet
are feeling closer than ever to the Tairua School students.
Aria Kennedy and Tara
Bourne are happy to be
part of Tairua’s “Kick Start
to School” programme.
“Thanks to Luke Millen and Veolia for donating bottles to the 40 Surf Academy
participants. It encourages the healthy behaviour of drinking plenty of water”,
says Principal Brendan Finn. “Luke has been a big supporter of the Surf
Academy throughout the term, providing students with encouragement,
advice and motivation”.
Tairua students toast the Tairua Surf Academy
with water bottles donated by Veolia Water
“To Surf!”
“Paddle for Humanity”
aids Tsunami Struck School
“The philosophy of the
school room in one generation
will be the philosophy of
government in the next.”
Abraham Lincoln
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