Our Cover Artist
Liz Hart
Tairua artist Liz Hart enjoys painting
beautiful beaches, burning sand, fresh
air and majestic mountains – virtually
all the stunning landscapes of the
Coromandel. Inspired by the patterns
and changing colours of the Pinnacles,
a common view from Tairua, you will
often find them popping up in several
of her paintings and, as in our cover
art, “Grazing under the Pinnacles”.
Explaining the unusual composition of the
painting, Liz admits to a bit of quirkiness. “Those
colourful grasses came on their own”, Liz shrugs
unapologetic. “The idea emerged by itself, and I
saw the narrative that it told”.
Though our pastoral cover painting is an acrylic,
Liz admits an enduring affinity for watercolour. She
says, “Most people perceive it as a wishy-washy
medium. How wrong they are! Watercolours have
a certain immediacy and charm that fascinates
me”. Liz also works with etchings, mono prints and
water based oils.
Drawing and sketching have always been a big
part of Liz’s life. She attended Whitecliffe College
of Art in Parnell and Mairangi Bay Art School on
the North Shore where her interest in watercolour
blossomed while studying with Ted Sherwen. She
also trained there with Joan Taylor in print making.
Liz immersed herself in the art world when she
travelled to Italy with Argentinian artist Alvaro
Castagnet, one of the world’s most highly
respected watercolour artists, with 23 artists from
around the world. “Only two of us were from New
Zealand”, explains Liz. “We painted every day for
a month.” Her paintings like “Tuscan Umbrellas”
(pictured) and “Tuscan Morning” were inspired by
this immersion.
Liz also travelled with renouned Australian
watercolourist David Taylor, recognised worldwide
for his painting and teaching. “Again, we painted
every day for a month. My education is on-going as
there is always something new to learn”.
Liz’s works have a distinctive quality, as the
subject of backlighting has always interested
her, whether it is light through trees or flowers or
even effects of interior lighting. This allows her
an imaginative use of colour, and adds a semi-
abstract edge to her works, even though the
overall appearance is realistic.
Read other informative
articles in past issues
of PakuViews.
Missing issues? Copies can be purchased for $4
each (includes gst and shipping within NZ). Or save
on multiple issues: 4 for only $9, all six for $12.
Pick up free past issues at Tairua Info Centre
or simply visit pakuviews.co.nz and read them
all online.
To order print versions phone 07 864 9908
or email
also available for $15/yr.
“I usually photograph a landscape to capture
the light”, Liz explains. “I begin by painting very
loosely, focusing on pushing the values of the
lights and darks. I prefer to work with a limited
palette. I love the explosion of watercolour on wet
paper and the unexpected results which might
change the whole idea of the artwork”.
You’ll often find Liz in the Little Gallery of Fine Arts
in Tairua as one their featured and resident artists.
Pop in to meet her and view her popular work.
Artworks by Liz are held in collections both here
and overseas. She has exhibited in solo and group
shows, and besides The Little Gallery her artwork
is displayed at Art of this World in Devonport,
Auckland, and the Bread and Butter Gallery in
Whitianga. Her studio is open every year during
the Mercury Bay Art Escape in March.
Recognise those unique cows in her painting? They
are the tough Belted Galloway breed, originally from
Scotland. See page 13 in the 2011 Autumn issue
of PakuViews either in print or online to learn more
about these unique cows.
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