Tucked into the hills of the Coromandel
Ranges, the Kauaeranga Valley is a hidden
treasure of lush bush, sparkling waters and
wonderful adventures. The Department
of Conservation (DOC) has supported the
development of this area into an outdoor
destination of unrivalled natural beauty.
The Kauaeranga Visitor Centre (KVC) is
a hub of information providing maps,
brochures, basic outdoor supplies and
conservation related gifts. Come for
a wander, taking in all the fascinating
information on the history and nature of
the area, and watch one of a range of
short movies. There is also free public
wifi available 24/7. And friendly staff are
available to help plan your adventures.
Enjoy the exciting new Giant Board
Game coming soon on the lawn, or the
Treasure Hunt which changes yearly – both
great ways to learn about the nature of
Aotearoa/New Zealand. The Toyota Kiwi
Guardians programme offers children fun
outdoor nature projects where learning
and good times go together – and there
are awards to be won. Adventure maps at
www.goo.gl/t6GkOR.Camping in the valley is a wonderful way
KAUAERANGA VISITOR CENTRE • 995 Kauaeranga Valley Rd
Open 8:30am–4pm daily
8:30am–5pm peak summer season
(Closed Christmas day and during severe weather)
+64 7 867 9080
www.kauaerangavc@doc.govt. •
nzwww.facebook.com/kauaerangavcTHE KAUAERANGA VALLEY
Visitor Centre
Come celebrate! A day of fun is planned for everyone Sat 5th
December, starting at 11am. Little ones will enjoy having a dance
or getting their photos taken with Kiri the giant cuddly kiwi, and
bringing their soft toys/teddy bears for the adventures and games.
Hear great tales and learn about kiwi from our kiwi trackers. Meet
the predator dogs. There will be face painting, creative nature
based activities, the chance to make something
cool to take home and more. Gold coin donation per
person with all funds to support our local kiwi projects.
Make a day of it! Enjoy great food from the café or
bring a picnic. Stay for the showing of the popular
‘Kiwi Christmas’ movie at 6.30pm.
Milly’s on Main
07 864 7464
236 Main Road, Tairua
07 868 9063
522 Pollen Street, Thames
www.millysonmainstreet.co.nzSee our website and facebook for more new arrivals
to take a break – surrounded by forest
covered hills and bird song, but still
close to town and all its amenities. All
nine camping areas have easy access
to swimming spots in the crystal-clear
streams and river, Kahikatea has powered
sites for campervans, and two camps
allow dogs. Two furnished cottages are
available to book for groups and families.
The valley has many well marked, beautiful
walking tracks, and access to longer hikes
that will take you throughout the ranges.
The iconic Pinnacles track starts at the
end of the road and is a stunning full day
or overnight walk to the top of the ranges
and the Pinnacle’s Hut. Crosbies Hut is a
gem for those wanting a longer journey
with sweeping views as a reward.
There are also mountain bike trails, picnic
areas, nature trails, and in the evenings
people can look for glow worms and other
night creatures.
To complete the visitor experience the
Kauaeranga Valley Café opens over the
peak summer season. Healthy fare to
decadent treats, all fresh baked, are on
offer, as are cold drinks, great coffee, high
teas, and ice creams.
GETTING THERE: From SH25 at the southern entrance to Thames, turn right into Banks St
beside the BP service station. Banks St veers right into Parawai Road, which then becomes
Kauaeranga Valley Rd. The road is now sealed to the Visitor Centre, 12km from the highway.
From here it is 9km of gravel to the road’s end and the start of the Pinnacles Track.