Tairua School ...
Developing Global Citizens
Tairua celebrates growth
with new ‘state of the art’ classroom
Tairua School reaches significant milestone... On May 5, the school
opened Term 2 with six classrooms! The new room is a result of steady
growth over four years, with enrolment now at a record 126.
Principal Brendan Finn says this addition is not just a room, it is a
future-oriented educational space design. “We are moving away from the
traditional model of desks and chairs and toward ‘learning zones’, where
distinct spaces within a room are dedicated to different purposes.” Finn
said the students, who were involved in the planning, were excited and
energised by the ‘new look’ room.
“Just listening to them talk about the designs and how they envisaged
using the room was incredible. I have to commend our Board of Trustees
for their passion for this project.” The board envisions rolling out this new
design across the school’s other classrooms over the next few years.
“The additional room has enabled us to reduce student numbers in each
class”, states Finn, “and smaller class size means our staff can better
target teaching to the individual child. We expect that to have a real
impact on results at the end of the year.”
INNOVATORS IN ACTION: Student Leaders Zac Hemmings (right) and
Ahi Garrick (left) along with Year 7/8 teacher Samantha Telfar, work with a
furniture design specialist on the design process for Tairua School’s new
state-of-the-art learning space.
Young talent emerges from
2014 Surf Academy
The long stretch of summer weather coupled
with good sea conditions made the 2014
Tairua School Surf Academy in Term 1 the
most successful ever.
Week 5 was the absolute highlight of the
programme when a record 45 students and
20 adults took part from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.
Separate sessions for juniors and seniors
were held for the first time. This proved an
excellent development which allowed the
juniors to really focus on basics and gaining
confidence while the seniors took on more
challenging tasks and conditions.
“The result has been the emergence of a
keen bunch of senior surfers who we will
continue to put in the water throughout Term
2 when conditions are appropriate,” said
Principal Brendan Finn.
“Obviously a programme like this would be
impossible without massive parent input
and I would like to sincerely thank all those
Principal Brendan Finn instructs the Junior
surfers in the 2014 Surf Academy.
First Citizen Day a huge success
Tairua School’s inaugural Citizen Day was a tremendous success.
The student leaders put together an awesome programme for the
kids on the Thursday of Week 10.
The rationale behind this event was to share our interests, talents,
concerns or passions with each other, celebrating differences and
similarities. Everyone made a tremendous effort with costumes
reflecting different nationalities, sports, hobbies and attitudes. For
example one young student dressed up in leopard skin clothing with
a label saying ‘save my
habitat’. Full marks to the
school staff who entered
into the spirit of the day
posing as everything from
Superman to gardener.
The students made
posters explaining their
choice of costume, with
those voted the best in
each class presenting to
a full school assembly. The slip and slide in the afternoon was also a
huge hit. Great day, great message, great experience for everyone.
Ziggy Heath and Jenna Keyte making a splash on the slip and slide.
who gave their time each week. You can be
very proud of your achievements, as can our
students whose efforts and behaviour in and
out of the water was superb.”
Cherry and Trevor Ladd from Kauri 2000 continue their inspirational work at
Sailors Grave, inducting yet another eager bunch of students into the ‘planting
hall of fame’. “Every single kauri at this location has been planted by Tairua
students only”, says Cherry, “and it’s a pleasure to see the ownership they
have taken in their work.” Seen listening to Cherry’s instructions are Otama
Roberts, Mr. Hogarth, Sammy Rapley, Heidi Adam, and Hunter Horswell.
Students plant
900th kauri at
Sailors Grave