Auckland poet Bob Orr has dedicated a poem
to Topadahil artist Guity Evelyn in his recently
published eighth collection of poetry,
Odysseus in Woolloomooloo
The island
for guity evelyn
Driven half-crazy by islands
dark blue on blue sea
their saraband of beaches –
the nearest the most distant
the most distant at my fingertips
stretching out from childhood
beyond the cape of all these years
they still beckon me.
As a cicada burns on the windowsill
and a cricket’s trajectory
causes a brief eclipse of the sun
and as your life like a blue wave begins
to break from north to south.
I start to run
like a clay figurine escaped from a kiln
down the yellow sand
and into the ocean.
Swimming toward an island –
the island that existed when you were a dolphin.
Topadahil artist
Guity Evelyn with
recent painting – “so
in harmony with
Bob’s words”, says
husband David.
The rain didn’t stop almost 100 art lovers from attending an auction at
Little Gallery of Fine Arts
in Tairua to raise over $3500 for the
Cancer & Care Support Group
. “The time change’s early setting sun took us
by surprise,” said owner Sarah Holden. “Tim Uldrich saved the day after
dashing home to get a strobe lamp that lit up the artwork and the area.”
In all, 40 gallery artists contributed 50 pieces, with Souzie Speerstra and
Paula McNeill generously donating three pieces each. “We’d like to thank
Tohu Winery
Matatoki Cheese
for providing the complimentary
refreshments and nibbles”, Sarah adds, “and also
Maniaia Cafe and Bar
Puka Park Lodge
for donating great raffle prizes.”
The Support Group is there to assist patients and their families
when a
serious illness such as cancer or major surgery is confirmed.
From offering
emotional and practical help to arranging for the loan of specialized equip-
ment like wheelchairs and hospital beds. They can even provide petrol
vouchers for families going to and from hospital.
A brochure and contact
list is available from your local Information Centre.
art scene
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ob knows all about Guity’s long swims
and love of dolphins as his beautiful poem
alludes to. “Being a lover of the sea as well”,
shares Guity’s husband David, “Bob’s poem
reveals a sort of primal appreciation of Guity’s
own immersions in all themes coastal, her long
swims and an intertwining of recollections that
go back in time beyond their own encounters.”
Guity tells us she just completed the stunning
goldleaf work shown above,
Cosmology in
“dedicated to the allusion in the poem
of me being a dolphin, probably inspired by
Bob`s knowledge of my notorious long swims”.
“I took this photo after Guity had come back
from a long swim up the Opoutere estuary”,
says David. “It’s May, near on winter, and no
“Having close contact with our poets has
allowed me to deepen my love for this country
even more,” shares French-born Guity.
“Painting is my main language, but poetry and
photography are becoming more a part of my
daily vocabulary. Art is boundless and we are
nothing but a humble instrument and channel
for the immense beauty and mystery of life.”
Meet Guity, see her work, and enjoy a gorgeous
view of the water at Topadahil Art Studios, 289
Opoutere Rd., Opoutere.
Auction organisers from
gallery and Cancer
Support Group: Front row:
Gallery’s Sarah Holden
and Care Group’s Karen
Middle row: Gallery’s
Susan Dunster, Liz Hart,
and Care Group’s Betty
Back row: Gallery’s Ann
Gold, Care Group’s Marie
Schofer, Gallery’s Paula
McNeill, Tina Carey, and
Julie Cameron.