Thousands of Crystals, Tumbled Gemstones, Decorator Pieces, Necklaces, Earrings, Rings, Pendants,
Carvings, Healing Stones, Spheres, Meditation Pieces, Fossils, Massage Tools, Books, Gifts, Art,
Rock Tumblers, Bath Stones, Dream Pouches, Standing Stones, Bookends, Altar Stones & much more!
Agate, Amethyst, Moldavite, Petrified Wood, Quartz, Jasper, Geodes, Azeztulite, Healerite, Azumar, 1000s of Minerals & Gemstones
Huge New Zealand Stone Collection!
227 Main Road • Tairua
crystals@together.netphone: 07 864 8875
Open 7 Days from 10 a.m.
Tairua has New Zealand’s Most Amazing Gallery of
Crystals, Minerals, Fossils, Gems & Jewellery!